It is that time of year again. Warm, sunshine, no school, green plants, and fun. It is the time of year for a vacation.
Vacation is a great time to get some really great photos. Not only do you get to see new and different places. You also get to spend some quality time with your family without worrying about work and other items at home. A camera is still one of the best ways to capture those moments to remember for years to come. The camera doesn’t have to be a really nice one, like a DSLR. It can just be a phone or point and shoot. Now if you are going on vacation with the intention of trying to get some great photos, then a good camera should be something to pack.
I use my camera on vacation for both. To do that and not detract from the family time or take time away from other items, make it part. When we visit a place, I take random photos along the way. As a photographer, I may see something I may or may not use but catches my eye at the time. It is easy and quick. Just point, set up the settings you want and click. The best thing with vacation is that everyone wants to be part of it since you are in a new place or fun place. We all take cameras with us and snap photos.
With vacation, you are going to take photos. The digital cameras and phones have made it so easy to get tons of photos to keep in the memory bank. Last year on our trip to South Dakota, I took over 1000 photos myself of different sights along the way as part just traveling. Overall as a family we had over 1500 photos. We may have only 200 that we will keep to show everyone. But, now we have so many others just in case.
Vacations are great. Make them great, relaxing, exciting, an adventure. Remember, any photo during vacation is a moment in time to capture those special times.

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